- Google Hash Code
Hashcode 2018 by Google - Test Round
It’s amazing the overwhelming number of code challenges on the web. Every other day I heard about a new one. Last week I heard about Hashcode from Google, which is competion for teams around Europe, Middle East and Africa. It has a qualification round, where your team can do remotely and the final is at Google HQ in Dublin.
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- A Road to ML
So, as I said in the last post, I started reading and trying some Machine Learning (ML). It’s hard to write down when I started reading about it and became interested on that. But some good references that come to mind mind are a post in WBW (which the title of the post came from) and a talk about Products Recommendations with a friend.
So, last Friday I found a fantastic youtube channel about ML. You can find it here. So far, this is the best channel about ML I found. Some people might say he doesn’t dive deep into some concepts, but that’s not the concept of the channel. IMO he tries to show the applications of ML (and other things) and cites the concepts and how they work, leaving you to do your homework and dive deeper.
Currently he has a nano degree in Udacity, and all videos are posted on youtube ! As I’m not doing the course there (but considering to do it), so I can’t say anything about that.
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- Reinstalling... again
And after so long, here I’m…
I got this bank holidays to start learning about Machine Learning (but this will be another topic).
This post is mainly to show my massive failure of installing cuda drivers and cudnn libraries in my Linux Mint. I mainly failed and broke all my video configurations with that :( Meanwhile, looking on the internet I saw that Ubuntu was recommended for this, as it has many drivers available. So after I screwed up everything, I decided to install Ubuntu, and here we go formatting the system and installing everything again. When trying to install the NVIDIA Driver 375
Read Moreapt show nvidia-375
, it failed miserably, screwing up my windows manager. After fighting withlightdm
and tryinggdm
I gave up and decided to come back to Mint, and take the opportunity to install the newest version, 18.01 Cinnamon.
- Talks / Articles - my personal reference
This page is just to keep track of nice talks or posts I like.
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- Just a blog post redirection
If by any change you landed in this blog because of this or this article.
I would recommend you to read this article as well.
I landed in that blog because of this post which is worthy reading as well.
Unfortunately the guy is not posting for frequently, however I run all throughout all post until the first one :)
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- Changing history to save it
Rewriting history Case: This is a real case, where it was needed to do some git tricks to avoid leaking some important information. One of these days, some friends built a lib to access an external dependencies and one of them just committed a our connection string, not only that, but also he committed it a LOT of times in different places (don’t ask me how he managed to do it, some people just have a gift to build a mess).
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- Full Stack? From nothing to production
Well, in this article, I’m expressing my own opinion about what is a full-stack developer, what it means for everybody (who has contacted me for this role). Almost in all the places I read “full-stack”, they mean someone who is able to do some Back-end + Front-end development, which is not wrong. But recently my responsibilities inside the company and the team expanded a lot, as well my vision of what is the whole process from the requirements to have one application in production.
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- - Software + Hardware
AS I said in my previous post, I bought some stuff to improve my laptop’s performance, specially this part, which I was amazed how a laptop could have an extra small SSD. I knew it would be tough to disassembly my laptop, but in my first attempt, after some effort, I managed to install the RAM memory. I have a Asus G55VW, it’s a pretty old, but powerful, laptop.
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- Trying again...
And again, I failed writing this blog. I keep telling me I need to do that, but I keep postponing everything relate to it. But again I’m trying again! This weekend I installed Linux in my old laptop, started playing .net Core, came back to play with docker and helped my girlfriend with her studied in python. Ah! Apart from that, I bought more ram memory and a msata ssd which I will try to install next week, it’s not a simple assembly, I need to remove the motherboard because the msata plug is under it :( Well,summarising in links: http://uk.crucial.com/gbr/en/ct250mx200ssd3 http://www.corsair.com/en-gb/vengeance-16gb-dual-channel-ddr3-memory-kit-cmz16gx3m4a1600c9 https://linuxmint.com/rel_rosa_mate_whatsnew.php with Oh My Zsh and QuickTile https://www.docker.com/ http://dotnet.github.io/ https://www.python.org/ And I started using Visual Studio Code as well, it’s amazing! https://code.visualstudio.com/ That’s all for now!
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- Starting using Git + References
This is not going to be a static post (or at least I hope it doesn’t). It will contain a quick story of how I started with git, a basic git explanation (as you can find in billions of sites out there it’s pointless to repeat it here) and I will use this page as my personal reference for commands (nowadays I keep everything in some notes within OneNote).Well, my story with git is the following: I was quite used to VCS (Version Control System) since I started working, from that time to a while ago I’ve already worked with Endevor, VSS, SVN and TFS. SVN was far my favourite, because it was light, fast, reliable and usineg it through command line wasn’t painful.
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- Introduction
Hey people,
And this is it, my 3rd attempt to create a blog. But now I got better motivations.
Let me introduce myself and the reasons to create this blog. My name is Diego, currently I’m living in London (UK) but I’m from Brazil, Sao Paulo precisely. I’m a C# developer working for Ve Interactive. I’ve already working in the IT area for a while, but about 3,5 years as a C# developer. I’ve already worked with Cobol (cobol, yes :( ), C/C++, and Linux systems. I’m a great fan of Linux, although I don’t use any *nix system nowadays :(
About the reasons to create the blog, I’ve been thinking about how to share some interesting things that I’ve been learning during the day (in/outside of work), and talking with a friend I decided to create it. Furthermore, another friend and I made a bet about who would post more good-quality articles.
You can find more information in the about page, as well as my contact.
That’s all for now!
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